Posted in For Writers

Advice for WriMos as you enter the home stretch

For those of you doing NaNoWriMo, the best NaNo advice I can give you at this point in the game is to throw caution to the wind and work to the end of the story. If a scene is too difficult, write a placemarker sentence or paragraph of what should happen in it and move on to the next scene. Write whatever you can write, and as as much as you can write. If you have later scenes already in your mind, write them out of order then work toward them. Focus on the getting to the end of the story, even if it means you have to fill in some stuff later. I’ve found that it’s easier to rewrite a complete draft even if I have to fill in some missing scenes, than to pick up a cold unfinished draft and finish it after having lost the momentum (AND then still have the whole rewrite to do). This may be different for you, but especially if you’re the kind of writer that has trouble finishing things, you need to work toward finishing the story by the end of the month. Remember: this is just the rough draft of a very short novel. It doesn’t have to be good; you just need to get all the essential bits written down. Every first draft needs a rewrite, but you can’t do that until the draft is done. NaNoWriMo is all about knocking out that first draft. You can agonize over it sentence by sentence in the rewrite. 😆 Good luck, everyone!


Ainy Rainwater has been writing and publishing short stories, essays, and novels in various genres for about 30 years. She lives in the greater Houston area with her husband and rescue dogs. She enjoys reading, writing, playing guitar and percussion, gardening, knitting, tea, baking and other kitchen improvisations, daydreaming, and wasting time online. Her novels are available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Smashwords, and other bookstores. She is presently working on a chick lit fantasy series as well as a number of side projects, including a sequel to If Wishes Were Spaceships, a science fiction novel published in March 2016. Her most recent fiction and works in progress are regularly posted to her subscribers on Patreon. She is also known for the digital pop which she makes under the name Gymshoes. "Everest Sunrise" was featured in the documentary What It Takes. After hurricanes Katrina and Rita she released an EP of songs, A Tropical Depression, the profits of which go to benefit the American Red Cross. Gymshoes albums are available from iTunes, Amazon, and other online stores. For more about Gymshoes music, please see, which has liner notes, links to social media, streaming music, and much more. You can find the author on Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, and Twitter. She occasionally contributes to the group food blog, The Usual Suspects: and posts short miscellaneous things on The Mighty Microblog: A Truant Disposition, is Ainy Rainwater's official author site.

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