
This is an “author’s miscellany” because many posts will be related to books and writing, but yes, there will be totally random stuff here. Here I write fast, short, and informally, and in all likelihood…trivially. Because this isn’t my “real blog”. I blog on my official Ainy Rainwater author website: A Truant Disposition. (Pssst…you can also add my author blog to the WordPress.com Reader on your dashboard!) My newest book, If Wishes Were Spaceships, a fast fun science fiction novel, was released March 2016. The sequel to it, as well as short fiction and other writing projects, are regularly posted to subscribers of my Patreon; it’s a great way to read what I’m writing prior to publication and support me as I write. I’m always writing, but the time between publications is often long: Patreon means that neither you nor I have to wait!


Ainy Rainwater has been writing and publishing short stories, essays, and novels in various genres for about 30 years. She lives in the greater Houston area with her husband and rescue dogs. She enjoys reading, writing, playing guitar and percussion, gardening, knitting, tea, baking and other kitchen improvisations, daydreaming, and wasting time online.

Her novels are available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Smashwords, and other bookstores. She is presently working on a chick lit fantasy series as well as a number of side projects, including a sequel to If Wishes Were Spaceships, a science fiction novel published in March 2016.

She is also known for the digital pop which she makes under the name Gymshoes. “Everest Sunrise” was featured in the documentary What It Takes. After hurricanes Katrina and Rita she released an EP of songs, A Tropical Depression, the profits of which go to benefit the American Red Cross. Gymshoes albums are available from iTunes, Amazon, and other online stores. For more about Gymshoes music, please see Gymshoesmusic.com, which has liner notes, links to social media, streaming music, and much more.

You can support her and read her latest work on Patreon. You can also find the author on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (also as Gymshoes on Facebook). She occasionally contributes to the group food blog, The Usual Suspects, and posts short miscellaneous things on The Mighty Microblog.  A Truant Disposition is Ainy Rainwater’s official author site.